Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Where do they get this stuff?

Adrian Dater has dropped Pittsburgh in his list of teams reported to be interested in Peter Forsberg. Ignoring the fact we don't like Forsberg and think he's overrated, these ties to Pittsburgh in the press still don't make sense to us.

Sure, the Pens have the cap space under the CBA, but people seem to forget having space under the cap != having money to throw around at washed up players. Even if it was in the budget, where would they find a spot for him on the depth chart? What, is Malkin going to be anchoring the third line any time soon? With the strength the Pens have down the middle, the last thing we need is an injury prone center that's past his prime.

1 comment:

Stevens8204 said...

Forsberg is trying to find a way to command a pro-rated contract...like Roger Clemens. I really think his Dad's team is in the running as well....and that really he only has a few places on his list...and the Pens were never one of them.